Online Umbrella pay calculator
Online take-home pay Calculator for contractors needing a PAYE Umbrella Company
Select your daily rate of pay to get an idea of what your take-home pay might be through Nasa Umbrella
What is this calculation based on?
This calculation is designed to give you an estimated breakdown based on a selected rate of pay and some standard assumptions. For example, the figures quoted above are calculated without taking into account any student loan repayments or pensions, and are based on UK tax brackets. It also includes a standard admin margin deduction which can be subject to change. This means that the above figures are not intended to be 100% accurate.
We will always provide you with an accurate and personalised illustration prior to your registration with us, as not everyone's situation is the same. Please note that Auto-enrolment will apply from your 12th week with Nasa Umbrella. For a personalised and accurate illustration please get in touch with us directly
About our online Umbrella calculator
If you're looking to get an answer to 'What is my take-home pay through an Umbrella Company?' then our online calculator is a great place to start.
Our calculator is designed to help you get an idea of what your take-home pay will be when using a PAYE Umbrella Company for your contracting role.
Whichever Umbrella Company you choose, or if you're still in the process of deciding which Umbrella company is the best for you - we always recommend you request a personalised illustration as well. Online pay calculators (like ours!) use a set of standard assumptions to give you a general idea, but because of this they may not be accurate for your circumstances.
When comparing Umbrella Companies our online calculator is a great place to start - but we always recommend asking for a personalised quote too when choosing the right Umbrella Company for you.
Transparent & Accurate
We pride ourselves on transparency across all aspects of our service.
We will always discuss your individual situation before you register with us, so that we can provide you with tailored and accurate information relevant to your circumstances.
Our online umbrella pay calculator gives you a general idea of what to expect, but our personalised illustration is where we stand out. We much prefer to spend the time going through everything when you first register, than to blindly sign you up with over-inflated figures and cause stress on your pay day.
You’ll also have a dedicated point of contact who’s cross trained across our departments. They’ll be able to help with any queries and will continue to support you throughout your employment with Nasa Umbrella.
Simple Solutions & Systems
Our umbrella solution is designed with contracting in mind
It is quick to set up with us and our systems are easy to use; so you can spend your time contracting!
Our pricing structure is transparent and easy to understand, and we don’t have any hidden charges. We don’t have any joining or leaving fees, and there are no tie in periods to Nasa - just a simple weekly or monthly margin applied when you are actively receiving payment through us.
We understand the flexible nature of contracting, and therefore aim to provide a service which is as contractor friendly as possible. You can get in touch with us easily via phone, email or our webchat service, whichever is most convenient for you.
Compliance Confidence
We go one step further with FCSA Accreditation to prove our commitment to compliance.
When you work as an employee of Nasa Umbrella, you can rest assured that we are fully compliant with all HMRC legislation.
We report all tax and NI deductions to HMRC and will provide you with P45 /P60 information where relevant. We can also provide other supporting information for employment purposes etc where required.
Nasa Group are also an accredited member of the FCSA, so you can have peace of mind about avoiding nasty tax surprises or compliance issues. We’re always upfront about all deductions in our communications with you, whether this be over the phone or email.